BCHS Covid-19 Vaccination Opportunity, May 17
Posted on 05/06/2021
Student Covid-19 Vaccine Announcement
All Bath County students sixteen years of age or older on or before May 17, 2021 will have the opportunity to receive a Covid-19 vaccination (Pfizer) at Bath County High School on the morning of May 17, 2021. You are receiving this phone call because our records indicate your student will be 16 on or before that date. PARTICIPATION IS VOLUNTARY. PARENT PERMISSION IS REQUIRED (if student is under 18).
We mailed to your home a letter, a Consent and Screening Form (2-sided), and a seven page information packet. If you choose to have your student vaccinated, the consent form must be completed, signed, and returned to BCHS before the vaccination can be administered. To aid our planning, we request the completed, signed, form be returned to the BCHS office by May 13, 2021. Forms may be returned by student, faxed to (540-839-3290), or delivered by any means convenient for a timely delivery. BCHS office hours are 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM.
Any health-related questions should be directed to the Bath County Health Department (540) 839-7246. The Pfizer vaccination requires a second dose to be administered approximately three weeks after the initial dose. Those who choose to receive the vaccine will be notified when the date of the second dose administration is determined.